Entire corpus of Jonathan Edwards Online

The Works of Jonathan Edwards Online is a collection of writings and articles from Jonathan Edwards. The collection contains edited published works and raw manuscripts.

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Ways to explore Jonathan Edwards

Scholarly New Research

The Jonathan Edwards Studies journal is an interdisciplinary professionally refereed digital online publication, and invites graduate students, young scholars, clergy, seminarians to submit articles, book reviews etc. The journal is also distributed as an iOS app.

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Sermon Editing Project

The Sermon Editing Project is accelerating the production of edited sermons, so that they can be available to the general reading public. Through this initiative, users worldwide volunteer to be editors of Edwards' sermons under the auspices of the Yale staff.

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International Centers

The global affiliates in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Netherlands, Poland and South Africa, and Midwest US are recognized research, education and publication units facilitating and stimulating fundamental research in Edwards studies.

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The Encyclopedia Project

A Jonathan Edwards Encyclopedia developed online in partnership with William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. will help readers navigate their way through the range of writings by and about Edwards and his thought in historical context.

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