]> Example of Name Published: Oenone penicillata P. Royen in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 75: 382. 1948. [author note: Herbarium and types: BISH. Alpine flora of New Guinea] [collector note: W. Europe (col. 1948-56), Scandinavia (col. 1950), New Guinea (col. 1954), Batanta (col. 1954) & Waigeo (col. 1955): BM, BO, CANB, E (col. 1954-55 in New Guinea), GH, K, L, LAE, M (Lich., col. 1954), SING, U; Hawaii (col. 1967-x): BISH; New Guinea (col. 1962-65): BISH, BRI, E, L, LAE] Botany Royen, Pieter van Royen, Pieter van P. van Royen P. Royen Pieter van Royen Royen, Pieter van Royen, Pieter 1923 2002