]> [author note: Herbarium and types: BIRM (5,660, part of general herb.),NMW (4,000 European), RNG; additional material at BM, CGE, CBN, E, EGHB, G, K (Carex), OXF, RNG] [collector note: Original collections: BIRM, NMW (col. 1886-1935), Switzerland (col. 1895-1900), Norway (col. 1899), Austria (1896), France (col. 1903-13) & Italy (col. 1906), RNG; British Isles: BOK, C?, CGE, EGHB, G, NOT, OXF, WAR; Europe (excl. British Isles): BM (r. 1909), DBN, E, OXf.] Botany Thompson, Harold Stuart Thompson, Harold Stuart H. S. Thomps. H. S. Thompson Harold Stuart Thompson 1870 1940