]> [author note: Herbarium and types: E (general herbarium), MSTR (Rheinland herb. and critical plants); additional material at A, AWH, B (extant), BM, BR, C, DBN, E, FR, GE, JE, LAU, LG, LZ (destroyed), OXF, REG, W; Herbarium Ruborum Rhenanorum at GOET, LG, NCY, P, W; Herbarium Plantarum Selectarum Criticarum, Hydbridarumque Florae Rhenanae at BM, FH, GFW, HAL, HEID, M] [collector note: Herbarium: BONN, MSTR; collections (or col. by Ferdinand P. Wirtgen?): A, CGE, FI, GE] Botany Wirtgen, Philipp Wilhelm Wirtgen, Philipp Wilhelm P. W. Wirtgen Wirtg. Wirtgen Philipp Wilhelm Wirtgen 1806 1870