]> [author note: Herbarium and types: B (many types and alcohol material extant); additonal material at A, AMD, AMES (important set), BAF, BAJ, BG, BM, BO, BOL, BPI, BR, C, CAL, CGE, COI, CR, DPU, E, EA, F, G, GB, GH, GRA, GRO, H, HAL, HBG, JE, K, KMG, L, LAU, LE, LY, M, MEL, MICH, MIN, MO, NH, NY, P (4,500), PH, PR, PRE, S, SAM, SI, SRGH, STE, STU, U, UC, UPS, US, VT, W, WAG, WRSL, Z. Orchidologist, explorer] Botany Schlechter, Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter, Friedrich Richard Rudolf F. R. R. Schlechter Schltr. Schlechter Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter 1872 1925