]> [author note: Herbarium and types: MICH, US; duplicates AHFH, BM, C, E, FH, GB, LA, LD, MO, NY, PC, PENN, PH, USC] [collector note: NE North America (col. 1915-1956): BM, MICH, NEBC, NFLD, NMW, PH. E coast of Central America (south to Ecuador, incl. Galapagos Is. and Revillagigedo Is.) & Mexico (col. 1934, 1939): AHFH, LA, MICH, UC; Bermudas (col. 1949 & 1956): MICH, US?; British Columbia (col 1926): MICH, US; British Columbia (col. 1926): MICH, NY?; Florida (col. 1924-1926): E, L, PH?; West Indies; Original collections: MICH, UC, US; Collections: FH, GRA, LAM, MICH, NY, POM, US, USC] Botany Taylor, William Randolph Taylor, William Randolph W. R. Taylor William Randolph Taylor 1895 1990