]> [C. E. Wood] B.S. (1941; Roanoke College, Salem, VA); M.S. (1943; University of Pennsylvania; Thesis: The flora of Roanoke county: the first thousand); A.M. (1947; Harvard University); Ph.D. (1949; Harvard University; Thesis: The American barbistyled species of Tephrosia (Leguminosae)). Served in the US Army's 695th Armored Field Artillery Battalion in Europe during World War II (1944-45). Research: Camellia, Tephrosia; Generic Flora of the Southeastern United States. Eponymy: Achimenes woodii C. V. Morton, Baileya 10: 49, fig. 11. 1962; Columnea × woodii H. E. Moore, Baileya 6: 47. 1958; Tephrosia woodii O. Téllez, Bol. Soc. Bot. México 38: 77. 1980 (= T. carrollii O. Téllez, Iselya 2(3): 106. 1985). [collector note: A, GH, NEBC, USF] Botany Wood, Carroll Emory Wood, Carroll Emory C. E. Wood Carroll Emory Wood Wood, Carroll Emory, Jr. 1921 2009