]> [author note: Herbairum and types: (partly extant), later colelctions to PC; additional material at AWH, BAS, BERN, NHU, BM, BR, BUF, CAL, CAS, CGE, CN, DBN, DPU, E, FI, FT, G, GE, GH, GOET, GRA, GRO, H, HAL, JE, K, KIEL, L, LE, LG, LY, LZ (destroyed), M, MICH, MO, MPU, MW, NA, NCY, NY, OXF, P, PC, S, SAM, STU, TCD, TO, TUB, U, UPS, VT, W, WAG, WB, WRSL, WU] [collector note: Original collections B (extant); other collections widely distributed; col. with A. Wiest in Egypt, Europe (K, L), Greece] Botany Schimper, Georg Heinrich Wilhelm Schimper, Georg Heinrich Wilhelm G. H. W. Schimper G. W. Schimp. G. W. Schimper Georg (Heinrich) Wilhelm Schimper Schimper, Georg Heinrich Wilhelm (= "Wilhelm") 1804 1878