]> [author note: Herbarium and types: P, PC; duplicate material at GH, possibly M (lichens) Contributed Saxifragaceae, Calyceraceae, Asteraceae, Solanaceae, Amarantaceae, Phytolaccaceae & Polygonaceae to C. Gay's Fl. Chil., vols. 3-5, 1848-1852] [collector note: Original collections: P, PC(?), C. Asia, Tibet & Himalayas: P (r. 1864); California (Salt Lake - Los Angeles, col. ± 1852): P; Ecuador (col. 1857): P, PC; Hawaiian Is. (Oatu & Canai, col. ± 1855): B, GH, H, L, P; Pacific Is.: NY] Botany Remy, Ezechiel Jules Remy, Ezechiel Jules E. J. Rémy J. Rémy Ezechiel Jules Remy 1826 1893