]> [author note: Herbarium and types: W; duplicates at AMES, BM, BR, FI, GB, GRA, H, HBG, K, LZ, MANCH, NY, P, PH, SK, WAG; esp. Orchidaceae] [collector note: son of H. G. L. Reichenbach; Herbarium: W; Alpes maritimes: G, C. Europe: GB, GRA, K, LE?, WAG; Germany: FI, MANCH, PH; N.W. Italy: FI; Saxony: DBN, MANCH, SK; Switzerland: LZ, NA, W; Collection: H] Botany Reichenbach, Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach, Heinrich Gustav H. G. Reichenbach Rchb. f. Reichenbach f. Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach 1824 1889