]> [author note: Herbarium and types: S; Fungi Exsiccatae Praeseritm Scandinavici at BM, C, CUP, DAO, FH, H, HBG, L, LD, M, NY, PC, S, UPS, W, WRSL] [collector note: Herbarium of higher Fungi (incl. the italian Bressadola herbarium): S, Estland: BP, Scandinavia: C (r. 1913-16), WRSL, Sweden: GB (col. 1883-1922), H, LD, UPS] Example of Name Published: Russula flava Romell, in Lönnegren, Nordisk Svampbok, edn 2: 27. 1895. Botany Romell, Lars Romell, Lars L. Romell Romell Lars Romell 1854 1927