[author note: Herbarium and types: BM (cryptogams; 14,450), CHARL (phanerogams); additional material at B, BPI (original set from Texas), DPU, E, FH, FI, GH, K, MANCH, M, MASS, MICH, MO, NY, NYS, PC, QK, US; exsiccatae widely distributed - see TL2 WELC] [collector note: South Carolina (Aikin County), Texas: NY] Name Note: The listing of "Aitken, Ravenel d'" (in Index Herbariorum - Collectors A-D) was due to a misreading of the specimen labels pertaining to Ravenel's collections from Aikin County, South Carolina (vide Thomas A. Zanoni (NY))
Ravenel, Henry William
Ravenel, Henry William
H. W. Ravenel
Henry William Ravenel
Aitken, Ravenel d'