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Version 4.20020721b

(on-line documentation and download)

Management of auxiliary variables; cf. m4 file auxvars.m4.

Change to .arfg-post: Explicitly enter diversion main rather than going to ARFG_PRE_STUFF in order to allow accessing accumulated Perl information.

Change to ar-Phase: More stringent tests for the temperature parameters to extract β = 1/kB T even in the presence of other parameter settings with similar identifiers.

New m4-file math.m4 for math-related macros installed in .arfg-pre: fast exponentiation code generation defined (note that this should only be used with a compiler not handling floating-point**integer efficiently.

New properties/capabilities mechanism (cf. capabilities.m4) installed in .arfg-pre and .arfg-post.

Properties and capabilities for core-condition integrals with square well potentials.

Upper integration bounds in the core condition integrals that are less than the maximum Q value in the calculation by default no longer generate a run-time error but result in adjustment of integration bounds; new compile-time parameter allows reverting to the old behavior.

Adjusted default values for CoreCondition_Integral_SafetyFactor in several implementations of .

Dump accumulated code from diversion DumpAtEnd__`'m4_unitname before #endunit.

m4 macro for calling yacas at m4 stage.

Change to .arfg-rewrite to handle non-type-declarations starting with type.

Change Fortran string variable declaration in util.arfg/iso2ascii.arfg to accept file names of up to 1024 characters.

Documentation updates.

Version 4.20020414a

(on-line documentation and download)

First version released.

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Copyright © 2002 by Albert REINER. All rights reserved.

URL: http://purl.oclc.org/NET/ar-hrt-1/current/history.html

URL: http://purl.oclc.org/NET/ar-hrt-1/4.20020721b/history.html

2002-07-20 17:56:57